30 Days Blog Marathon Challenge

So I am taking this 30 days blog marathon challenge for myself. Let us see if I can make it to the 30th Day uninterrupted.

I have a few ideas in mind on the topics to write but mostly I am going to document the absolute random somethings and also my journey to the end of one of my life journeys.

So I am on my way out from a job which I have been sticking around for close to 8 years now. It is a mix of emotions that I feel right now. Like a love-hate relationship. It is an absolute mix of both.

When I resigned, the entire 8 years of my professional life in the organization flashed in front of me. All the things I did, the things I did not do, the things I could do better, the things I should not have done, so on and so forth.

Leaving behind the projects that I am currently working on still gives me jitters. I am sure I will have a few sleepless nights after my last working day here. But no worries, things will go on with or without me.

With the work, I also just keep going back to all the memories that are created over the period of time with co-workers some of who have become dear friends. They have been with me in my good and bad times, have seen me happy, have seen me cry and stood there talking crap about the person who gave me hard time :D.

I have planned this 30 days journey, let me see till where I reach!

When the crocheter in me is craving completion!

Ok so I am in process of crocheting a top for me and it is taking forever for me to complete it. This long process is making me a bit impatient and I am craving the feeling of completion.

Secondly, I was alone at home and for a change was feeling a bit bored, which is a bit rare. So what does a bored crocheter who is craving a completion experience does? Here it is!

A cute baby frock! 😃

It’s really small around 2 inches. Another click to depict the size.

I later attached a key ring to it and made a keychain.